Sunday, January 06, 2008

Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)

Pain? What pain? I guess Toni forgot about it from her last tattoo. She got this lovely piece today. The picture was taken immediately afterwards. See that red irritated skin? That is pain. Crazy lady.
The tattoo is a depiction of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). May you be touched by his noodly appendage. Toni added the phrase, "All religions are fairy tales." The font is Disney! Very fitting. Who is the FSM? He created the universe, of course. To learn more about the Church of the FSM, check out this website: By the way, no one was struck by lightning. IF (big IF) there is a God, we can only hope she has a sense of humor with 2 great big meatballs. Praise FSM.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Okay. Here it is folks. An incredible Lego mosaic of Jack Nicholson from "The Shining." It is about 30" x 45". That's a ruler at the bottom of the mosaic. You can't tell from the picture, but I have some missing pieces around the top right corner. I just placed an order for more Lego. Then I have to mount and frame it. The mosaic is just sitting on a table right now. So, yeah. Crazy me got the ladder out of the garage to take this picture. Everybody wants to see it. So, here it is. My work in progess. Hope you like it. Click on the pictures to see the Lego. Overworked.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Star Trek Convention 2007 - Jeffrey

And then, we have the second photo op - Jeffrey Combs. He is a great actor to watch. He had two recurring roles on DS9. I know he did one episode on Voyager. And, he had a recurring role on Enterprise. It is always a joy to recognize his voice under all that alien make-up. Here are some Star Trek pics for reference, and then us. Too cool.

Star Trek Convention 2007 - Kate

Here is photo op#1 from the convention - Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway of Voyager). She was a great speaker. Very classy lady. As you can tell from my great-big-huge smile, I was happy to be there.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Star Trek Borg Tattoo

OMG! I am finally posting. Here is the tattoo I got in May. This picture was taken the day after. I love it. I love it. I love it. I am still healing from it. For some reason, red ink has its issues.
Think of the tattoo as a Borg drone's evolution. We have the past, present, and future.
In the past, this Borg drone was human - species "5618" (The font is classic Star Trek).
In the present, we are Borg. Resistance is futile. Huge Borg insignia.
In the future, within the Borg's grasp, is pefection. For the Borg, the Omega molecule represents perfection.
That's the story. Can't wait for the next tattoo. Already have some ideas in process.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

To Boldy Go To A Star Trek Convention

OMG! Star Trek TNG (The Next Generation) is turning 20 years old next year! Who knew? And the best part? Toni and I are going to the Convention in Vegas to help celebrate. August 2007! This is my first convention, and I am soooooooooooooooo excited. It will cost, but it will be worth it. If we do it right the first time, I won't need to go again. Probably. Maybe. When will Voyager turn 20?

Toni can play poker with that Wesley kid, and beat him. A huge thanks has to go out to Toni. She is my "Number One" who was able to "make it so." :o)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Resistance is Futile

This is too cool. If you go to the Star Trek The Experience home page (, you will see an area entitled "Custom Sculptures of You." You send them a picture, and they make you into a borg sculpture. Big nerd here thinks that is really cool. They recently sent my photo for approval. It is a computer generated image of me as a borg. Now I know what I look like bald and blue with an eye shot out. Sexy. Resistance is futile. As soon as my sculpture comes in, I will post it here.

Thanks Toni for the best birthday present ever!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bike #2

We got another set of bikes. Call us crazy. Call Toni crazy. It's her fault. After doing some shower & locker research, we will see how we like riding them to work. Bike set #1 was too expensive to do such a thing. They would be stolen in a heartbeat. Bike set #2 is not too terribly expensive. If something happens to them, we will live and beg a co-worker for a ride home.

Here are some poser pictures, and our new livingroom. Enjoy.


Toni had roses delivered to my office on my birthday. Too sweet. I tell her not to, but she does anyway. Darn. :o) They were quite lovely. 12 red, 6 white. This is a close up (of course).