Saturday, December 31, 2005

My First Posting

OMG! I don't think I know what I am doing. This is my first posting on my first blog. Am I experiencing stage fright or writer's block? Does this thing have spell check? Oh yeah, there it is. Deep breath. It will be okay.

Why am I here in this blog?

Well, I found this cool book. It's called "Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth." This guy took a picture of everything he ate in 2004. Based on reviews found on Amazon, several people have already done this. They can be viewed for free on their websites. The book can be bought for $10 & some change. Check it out. I can't wait to share this book and my new blog with family and friends.

Okay, anal me just did spell check. Did you know it does not recognize the word "blog?" I had to tell it to learn the word. Am I the only one that thinks that's a little odd?

Anyway.... Like millions of other Americans out there, I need to lose weight. I am a 5'8" tall woman carrying around 180 pounds. My size 14 jeans are getting a little tight. I refuse to introduce my waist to a pair of jeans with a size 16 tag. Earlier this year, I was wearing a baggy size 12. I can do it.

I had a routine. I was working out. I was doing the weight watchers diet. Sunday was my free day to not workout and to not diet. I love Sundays. It was a great routine that let me drop 40 pounds (from 200lbs to 160lbs). Then this thing called hurricane Rita came along. The hurricane did not destroy a thing at the house, but it did destroy my routine. Gosh darn! I did not fall off the wagon; a hurricane wooshed me off. Yes, I am blaming a hurricane. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I tried several times to get back to my routine, but it never stuck. Thanksgiving and Christmas did not help. First I blame a hurricane, then I blame the holidays. I can't wait for Valentine chocolates, Girl Scout cookies, and those Cadbury eggs at Easter. Oh my! Note to self, "Just say no, just say no, just say no. Save it for Sunday." And then somebody invented New Year's Resolutions. We can eat all we want for about a month knowing the diet resolution is right around the corner. Hurry up! Eat everything in sight before the new year. Yippy!

Here I am going through a book of food pictures with a New Year's Resolution to lose weight. Inspired by this book, I will be taking pictures of everything I eat, and posting them here for your viewing pleasure. I am hoping this process will help me stay on the diet. To take a picture of my food, I will have to stop and really look at what I'm eating. It is a food diary on steroids. Also, if I cheat on the diet (Sundays don't count), I am shamed into sharing this with all of you. Ha! That means my family and friends can easily support me by visiting this blog. Thanks everybody.

That's all for now. Is that enough? Too much?

Let me see if I can add a picture or something. I need the practice. Toni just loves this picture. It's us at Disney (she's the one behind the camera) with flames coming out my head. Get some water quick!


Blogger Frugal in Houston said...

This is, quite possibly, the best blog ever!!!!!!!!

3:24 PM  

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